VAT Returns & Payroll Services Donegal
Payroll & VAT Returns Donegal
Wages and salaries can be the largest single cost of most businesses. Hence, it is vital that the business owner knows exactly what these costs are.
It is the responsibility of the business owner to correctly operate all payroll taxes and Revenue Commissioners will hold you responsible for same.
Ensuring employees and directors are paid in the most tax efficient manner while meeting all Revenue Commissioners tax laws is the objective of professional payroll planning.
Payroll Services include:
– Processing of payroll Monthly/Weekly
– Registration of new employees
– Calculating PAYE, PRSI, Universal Social Contribution and BIK
– Production and delivery of pay slips
– Preparation of Revenue Returns – P30′s P35 and P60′s
– Assistance with Motor and Subsistence calculations’
– Remuneration Tax Planning
VAT Returns services
New and changing legislation in Ireland is ensuring that VAT remains a highly technical area with onerous reporting requirements. However, significant savings can be made if the structure of your business and its operations consider VAT implications at the outset. At Bonner Gill & Co. Accountants we offer an excellent VAT Value Added Tax consultancy service for all potential situations.
Our VAT returns services are specifically tailored to meet the needs of each individual client. Our Value Added Tax consultants will work as closely as possible with you to ensure that the advice we give is both clear and cost-effective.
We can help with the entire scope of VAT compliance issues, as well as providing valuable planning exercises which minimise VAT costs and maximise VAT recovery.